A Natural Approach to Fertility

Acupuncture has become a popular treatment for infertility in recent times, something that we see regularly in our clinic.  A difficult diagnosis for many couples, it is thought that about 1 in 6 couples have difficultly conceiving and will look for help to achieve pregnancy.

So how does Chinese medicine approach the idea of fertility?  Well firstly it stresses the importance of ensuring the body is healthy before we conceive.  So in order to have healthy fertility we must make sure we nourish the body and promote a healthy internal environment where a healthy pregnancy can develop. As an old Chinese proverb says: “Cultivate the soil before planting the seed”.   Therefore if we are planning a pregnancy or preparing for IVF it is really important to eat healthy, exercise and avoid stress – the things we should be doing in any case!

So what can acupuncture do to help? It can increase a couples chances of getting pregnant either naturally or alongside procedures such as IUI or IVF.   In clinical studies acupuncture has been shown to increase blow flow to the uterus and ovaries, regulate ovulation, improve sperm quality and motility as well as increase IVF success rates. It is very successful in treating many gynaecological conditions that contribute to infertility such as irregular menstruation, endometriosis, and PCOS.

Treatments would usually be combined with dietary therapy, supplementation, lifestyle advice, herbs and flower remedies. All of these will help to improve the overall health of the body and mind and in turn help improve the chances of a pregnancy.   Treatments are usually commenced at least 3 months prior to a possible conception or IVF treatment but this can also depend on the individual and what may be contributing to their infertility.

If you would like further information on our fertility acupuncture treatments please get in touch with one of our practitioners. www,shen.ie/fertility-treatment

Shen Acupuncture & Naturopathy Clinics