Easy Does It Meditation

August 22, 2017

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There are lots of different types of meditation to choose from. There is transcendental meditation, mindfulness, zen, mantra, chakra, sound, guided and active meditations and Buddhist practices also.

Here are some of the benefits you might experience from practicing meditation

● Increased relaxation
● Less anxiety and stress
● Increased energy
● Improved focus
● Deeper spiritual connection to oneself
● Increased amount of positive feelings

The goal of meditation is to quiet the mind and bring your consciousness to the present moment. In addition, meditation helps one connect with the inner self and increases connection to others and the whole of creation. Meditation eases persistent mental noise, improves focus, creativity and is calming. Almost any activity can be meditative if it absorbs your attention and keeps you present. Let’s consider some meditation exercises:

Qigong, tai chi, yoga – These exercises cultivate “life energy” and promote the circulation of energy (Qi) through the focus on breathing and movement. In particular these exercises circulate oxygen and blood. If you are interested in one of these, seek out a qualified instructor to guide you.

Activity mindfulness – Walking or doing other enjoyable activities such as sports, art, music or writing promote activity mindfulness. Doing dishes, gardening or cleaning can also be considered a meditation if we are focused and present while enjoying the experience.

Guided meditation – This type of meditation is where one sits and focuses on specific imagery given by an instructor or through audio. This form of meditation is often used in healing, as one can focus on specific parts of the body.

Sound – The focus of this meditation is on a sound, repeated mantra or vibration.

Mantra – Mantra meditation is repeating a mantra such as “Om” or “Om mani padme hum.”
Transcendental meditation – this is a very popular and well-known practice which includes a mantra and is usually practiced about 20 minutes twice a day. It might be a good idea to seek out an instructor for transcendental meditation, as it has specific techniques that might require a higher level of assistance.

Mindfulness meditation – this involves bringing one’s attention to the present experience on a moment-to-moment basis. The practice is quite simple, just get comfortable, pay attention to your breath, and when your attention wanders just return to focusing on the breadth.

Sitting – Sitting meditation is very common and can incorporate focus on sound, a mantra or breathing. Practices tend to originate from Buddhism, and established positions, such as the lotus, have been taught to encourage deeper inner connection.

Binaural Beats – This is a modern addition to the meditation circle. Binaural beats are special frequencies that put the brain into meditative states such as alpha or theta. The frequencies, which synchronize brain waves, have benefits such as increased awareness. Binaural beats tend to quickly enhance mood. They can be found easily using an Internet search.

If you are ready for meditation, start slowly with one that appeals to you and looks enjoyable. In choosing what type might suit you, think about the type of person you are overall, the amount of time and dedication you have, and where your interests lie. What do you intend to get out of meditation?

To really feel the benefits of your new practice remember to set aside some time for it every day.



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